There are two Adult formation classes that meet on Sundays at 9am during the school year:
- A formal Bible study led by Pat James meets in the Steele Commons Room. They are currently studying the trial of Jesus.
- The Sojourner’s class led by Nancy McKee and our Pastors meets in the Conference Room and is a facilitated discussion format based on articles from The Christian Century. Links to the articles are provided in each Friday’s Bulletin Plus e-news.
Our Pastors also offer two group study series yearly – one in the Fall and another in the Spring. The topics vary from study to study. For more information, please contact Pastor Andi at associatepastorucb(at)gmail(dot)com.
Former Topics & Books of our Study Series
- Braving The Thin Places by Julianne Stanz
- Bible Stories for Grown-Ups by Josh Scott
- The Gospel According to The Golden Girls
- Boldly Go: A Star Trek Bible Study
- When Everything’s on Fire: Faith Forged from the Ashes by Brian Zahnd
- The Sunflower: On The Possibilities & Limits of Forgiveness by Simon Wisenthal
- Lent in Plain Sight by Jill Duffield