ITSS! (Dec 23, 2018)
Praise Yahweh! (Dec 30, 2018)
Hallelujah! Praise God!
There WILL be Joy! (Dec 16, 2018)
Finding the joy and colors of the advent season.
The Overture (Dec 2, 2018)
Advent is God’s overture to Christmas.
The End is Near (Nov 18, 2018)
A look at the real meaning behind apocalyptic scriptures.
Women of Valor (Nov 11, 2018)
A different look at the story of Ruth and Naomi.
Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude (Apr 4, 2018)
I want to open with a little Parrothead communion song with the elements of a little wine and some honeysuckle vine. And as with our regular communion, your all welcome to join me.
Mothering Day [05/13/2018]
Women “mother” in ways that testify to the true life of relationship – the love of God. They teach us through word and through sacrifice, just as Jesus did. That is what I hear from our scripture in 1 John 5 this morning, which speaks of human testimony and God’s testimony. Human testimony is the testimony given to us by our mothering women. They give us stories, wisdom and love. God’s testimony of love, Jesus, is in our hearts. It is the love given by a gracious God and a sacrificial Jesus who mothers us. It is reinforced constantly by our loving mothers. We can rest assured on this Mothering Day that we already have eternal life because we have within us, the mothering love of the light of God’s life. In celebration of women who mother, let us say, AMEN.
Pentecost [05/20/2018]
The Day of Pentecost can never be fully understood until we open ourselves to a personal Pentecost. It’s not that we’ll miraculously speak French or German or Chinese without ever having learned the language, but we will come to experience a new power in our Christian living.