We love kids of all ages! In our worship space we’ve recently installed a Pray-Ground, a space for kids to worship through play. Kids are welcome to hang out in our Pray-Ground or take its activities to their seat in the pews.
In worship, there is a children’s message, and then we dismiss them to Sunday School if they’d like to go September through May. Activities for younger children include music, crafts, and reading Bible stories. As children get older, the focus transitions towards a more focused study of community, self, and social awareness using the Bible as a guide. Kids are brought back into worship for communion first Sundays of the month, every Sunday in Advent, and every Sunday in Lent.
We also have special events for our kids throughout the year including an Easter egg hunt and a Christmas pageant. Check our Bulletin Plus e-news for up-to-date info!
Youth (6th-12th grade)
Our youth are welcome in all of our church activities! Youth regularly participate in worship leadership, volunteering, and community activities. They also have a leadership role in our Easter Egg hunt and Thanksgiving food drive every year.
Our Youth Group (6th-12th grade) meets as needed. The times and dates are flexible to accommodate the active lives of our youth who are involved in many events and organized activities in their lives. Check the latest newsletter for up-to-date information. The focus of the youth group is to have fun, learn and serve! There is not a set curriculum of Bible study in this group, but the youth often use some of the time to explore social and current issues as a group, as well as their relationship and understanding of faith. The youth generally are in control of the agenda and activities – and lunch is supplied by parent volunteers.
Past events include
- hikes
- a day at the museum to explore the Dead Sea Scrolls
- an afternoon at the movies
- volunteer work at local non-profits
If you are interested in attending Youth Group, please contact Pastor Andi. New youth are always welcome!
Minor Protection Policy
UCB is committed to keeping our kids and youth safe. Read our minor protection policy here.
For Teens
- DevoZine–devotions written by teens for teens
- d365–daily interactive devotions
- Chuck Knows Church (videos)