In our community

Broomfield Days Parade

We Support Our Community!

At the United Church of Broomfield, we pride ourselves on sharing love throughout the community.  Whether it helps our local church family, the community of Broomfield or the global community at large – our members volunteer, donate, gather supplies, provide support, and provide a roof for many charities and organizations.

Below you will find just a few examples of the United Church of Broomfield’s engagement with our community.

Organizations We Support

Kohl Street Kids – We have provided a home for affordable childcare to the Broomfield community since 1985 through our housing of the Kohl Street Kids before and after school program and Preschool (which started in 1990).  The program continues to thrive after 30+ years and offers quality, flexible childcare that meets the needs of individual families in a safe and healthy environment.

Anne Crouse, a founding member of our church, was also a founding member of the FISH food pantry, which to this day continues to provide for our neighbors in need.  We have a long history of being very active in this wonderful community service.  To this day, the first Sunday of the month is FISH Sunday at UCB.  We sponsor a shelf at the food bank for which we collect personal care items.

The United Church of Broomfield supports A Precious Child by doing an annual Giving Tree drive for the Holidays.  We generally focus on collecting gifts for tweens and teens, a group that is often left out of the giving pool every year.  Our Youth Group has also volunteered at their beautiful new facility in Broomfield doing everything from packing backpacks for school donations, to recycling boxes, to organizing hangers.  This is a wonderful community service and we are proud to have built such a loving relationship over the years with this organization.

For many summers, our church has collected backpacks and supplies for local school drives through A Precious Child’s “Fill-a-Backpack” campaign and Crayons 2 Calculators. This is a need that isn’t going away as the cost of providing education continues to soar.

Hardly a night goes by that our church is not busy hosting meetings that benefit the community.  We have always felt that our building is not just for Sundays, but rather a roof to be shared with the needs of the community.  We have a long history of providing a meeting location for many social service organizations, including:  Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) and Overeaters Anonymous.

We contribute annually to funds that are sponsored by the greater UCC community, including Our Church’s Wider Mission, Neighbors In Need, Strengthen the Church, the Christmas Fund, and One Great Hour of Sharing.