Kohl Street Kids (KSK)
PreSchool & Before and After School Care
Now Registering
for the 2024-2025 school year
Phone: 303-466-8355 x103
Email: kohlstreetkids@gmail.com
** COVID-19 Protocols: In alignment with CDC guidelines, state & local guidelines, as well as recommendations from the BVSD, mask-wearing is optional. We continually monitor the ever-changing status of COVID infections and transmission to guide us. We do a deep-cleaning of the building regularly.
If your child is not feeling well, please DO NOT BRING THEM TO KSK. Please inform us immediately if your child has been exposed to COVID-19. If they are exposed, you will be asked to keep them away from the church for a 14-day period and/or until a negative test result is received.
Please remember, KSK is a NUT FREE facility – this means you cannot send something in your child’s snacks or lunch that contains nuts or was manufactured on a line with nuts. We do have children with severe nut allergies.
The KSK Program
Our KSK Preschool program focuses on social, emotional, physical, and cognitive growth. We incorporate a mixture of learning activities, some teacher-directed and some child-directed. There is a daily schedule and the teachers base the curriculum on standard early childhood educational concepts. Our Pre-K classes will be focused on kindergarten readiness, learning letter-sound relationships, and beginning writing.
It is our philosophy that early childhood should be a time of warmth, security, exploration and discovery. Preschoolers are creative and receptive. Our program strives to nurture and encourage these qualities in our students.
The KSK BASE program specializes in school-age children that attend Kohl Elementary School. Hours of operation are 7:00AM until school starts and from school dismissal until 5:30PM. Our activities are geared to the Kindergarten through 5th Grade child, with their unique personalities taken into consideration.
Your VIK (Very Important Kid) is always welcome. Our program is designed with your child in mind, offering birthday celebrations, movie day, crafts, science activities, games and outdoor play. There is time for homework too! If you have questions or would like to visit, please call (303) 466-8355 x3.
Please read below for further information on our program.
Kohl Street Kids strives to provide quality childcare that meets the needs of each individual family, in a safe and healthy environment. This is a program where we stress the importance of having good listening and cooperation skills. School children need to be given words of encouragement, help with boosting their self esteem and treated with respect, in order to mature into their role of caring young adults. Children today have to face many difficult issues and pressures … making them feel valuable and important needs to be a priority for us all.
A Hop, Skip and A Jump
Our center is a church-sponsored, non-profit organization that is licensed by the State of Colorado. No transportation is required. We meet in the lower level of the church which is located just across the street from Kohl Elementary.
Room to Roam
Kohl Street Kids has spacious classrooms and a large fenced outdoor play area. Children are supervised in each area.
Caring Partners
The staff at KSK know how important children’s differences are and that they are all unique individuals. Flexibility, friendliness, and understanding are characteristics of our caring staff. These qualities help make them someone the children can trust.
Please feel free to call (303) 466-8355 x3 at any time for more information about our programs.
Affiliation with the United Church of Broomfield
We are an outreach program of the United Church of Broomfield but religiously specific ideas are not taught. This is to allow people of any faith to participate.
As an outreach, the program focuses on helping those who truly need such a program by keeping its fees affordable.
We offer scholarships for those who qualify.
There is a 10% discount for church members.
Preschool Class Offerings and Tuition (2024-2025 school year)
Preschool classes
2.5-3 years (must be 2.5 years old upon enrollment)
3-4 years (must be 3 years old by 10/01/2024)
4-5 years (must be 4 years old by 10/01/2024)
All classes 8:30-11:30AM
2 days/week $250/month
3 days/week $295/month
4 days/week $395/month
5 days/week $450/month
Enrichment– Multi-Age
2 days/week $230/month
3 days/week $275/month
4 days/week $375/month
5 days/week $430/month
There is a $50.00 non-refundable registration fee paid at enrollment.
BASE Program Tuition (2024-2025 school year)
Before and After School Tuition Fees
2 days/week $310/month
3 days/week $390/month
4 days/week $460/month
5 days/week $520/month
Before School Only Tuition Fees
2 days/week $170/month
3 days/week $190/month
4 days/week $230/month
5 days/week $250/month
After School Only Tuition Fees
2 days/week $250/month
3 days/week $290/month
4 days/week $360/month
5 days/week $420/month
There is an annual non-refundable $50 registration fee. UCB church members and families who have more than one child enrolled receive a 10% discount for additional children. Kohl Street Kids does not offer a summer program.