The United Church of Broomfield supports many ministries that are open to church members and non-church members. There’s something for everyone!
Christian Education
Kids are invited to start in worship with their families. There is a children’s message, and then we dismiss them to Sunday School if they’d like to go September through May. Activities for younger children include music, crafts, and reading Bible stories. As children get older, the focus transitions towards a more focused study of community, self, and social awareness using the Bible as a guide.
There are two Adult classes that meet weekly:
- A formal Bible study led by Pat James meets upstairs in the Steele Commons Room.
- The Sojourner’s class meets in the back half of the Steele Commons Room (The “Conference” Room), and is a facilitated discussion format. They use Seasons of the Spirit, a lectionary-based curriculum including scriptures, recent news, and books from the Still Speaking Writers Group, in their interactions.
Our Pastors also offer two (or more) group Study Series outside of church – one in the Fall and another in the Spring, typically. The topics vary from year to year and the groups usually meet on Monday nights for 4-6 weeks per study.
Confirmation classes are available for both teens and adults that are ready for a focused study of your relationship to faith and the church, a deeper study of Bible, and history and organization of the church.
You and your family are welcome to attend where you feel comfortable.
Youth Group
Our Youth Group (6th-12th grade) meets as needed. The times and dates are flexible to accommodate the active lives of our youth who are involved in many events and organized activities in their lives. Check the latest newsletter for up-to-date information. The focus of the youth group is to have fun, learn and serve! There is not a set curriculum of Bible study in this group, but the youth often use some of the time to explore social and current issues as a group, as well as their relationship and understanding of faith. The youth generally are in control of the agenda and activities – and lunch is supplied by parent volunteers.
Past events include
- hikes
- a day at the museum to explore the Dead Sea Scrolls
- an afternoon at the movies
- volunteer work at local non-profits
If you are interested in attending Youth Group, please contact Pastor Andi. New youth are always welcome!
The UCB Choir is under the direction of our Music Director, Keri Jacobs. The choir meets from 8:15AM – 9AM every Sunday before church (and before Sunday school) during the school year – and offers a musical selection during the Sunday service times per month. Anyone is welcome! If you are interested in singing with the choir, please contact the church office.
If singing in the choir is not your thing, there are several other ways to share in the music ministry at UCB. The United Church of Broomfield has a Praise Band: Undying Flame, that practices regularly and offers contemporary music during the Sunday service on the 4th Sunday of each month and on special occasions. There is an ad-hoc Bell Choir that performs several times per year, and members of the congregation will often share their talents, vocally and/or instrumentally throughout the year during offertory or before the service.
Small Group Fellowship
The United Church of Broomfield believes in small group fellowship as an important ministry. There are several groups that meet monthly. General dates are provided, but check our latest newsletter for up-to-date details! Please contact Pastor Michael with any questions.
- Knitting 4 Peace (10:15am first Saturday of the month at the church)
- Book Club (1pm fourth Friday of the month at the church)
- Gathering Circle (8:30am second Thursday of every month at various restaurants)
- Morning Star Fellowship (11am first Tuesday of the month at First Watch)
- Early Risers’ Fellowship (7:30am first Saturday of the month at First Watch)