You can read or watch sermons from recent worship services here.
If you are looking for a warm and loving worship experience, you are welcome, no matter who you are.
At the United Church of Broomfield, we believe that God is still speaking. We often laugh, and sometimes cry together. Our pastors deliver messages which use both historical and contemporary wisdom to address the struggles and complexities of modern life. We recognize that there are a variety of worship preferences, which we address with changing styles of worship. On the first Sunday of each month is traditional, and services become more contemporary as the month progresses.
At our services:
- We invite the love of Jesus Christ into our lives and pass that love on to others.
- Children hear a special message just for them.
- We offer both traditional and contemporary Christian music.
- We pray as a community, sharing our joys and concerns.
- We rely on and appreciate a variety of different versions of the Bible.
- We enjoy and encourage children to attend and participate.
- We practice an open communion for everyone, acknowledging Christ’s example that ALL are welcome at his table, without exception.
- We provide a time for fellowship and refreshments after each service.